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9:00 AM09:00

Those who want peace, make peace: Nonviolence as a contribution of civil society to peace

Violence, wars and armament dominate foreign policy. What are the perspectives of non-violent strategies before, during, and after violent conflicts? How do peace researchers and activists assess the potential of conflict transformation to avoid violence?

Dr Andreas Bovenschulte as President of the Bremen Senate, the schwelle Foundation and the ecumenical network Church and Peace invite you to a panel discussion on these questions.

Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte President of the Senate of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, Mayor for Peace
Prof. Dr. Hanne-Margret Birckenbach Political scientist and peace researcher, winner of the Göttingen Peace Prize 2023. She published a book entitled: "Understanding Peace Logic" in 2022.
Otto Raffai Peace activist from the peace organisation RAND (Regional Address for Nonviolent Action) from Croatia RAND
Rana Salman from Bethlehem from the Combatants for Peace
Mirka Hurter from 'Peace for Future' (Youth Forum of the Network Rethinking Security)
Please register indicating whether you wish to be present digitally or in person, to: info[at]

The event will take place as a hybrid in the Bremen Town Hall and as a video conference from 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm (Central European Time)

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3:00 PM15:00

Peace Day Drum Circle on Zoom


9/21/21 3-4pm PST. Explaining and exploring the drum circles concept and related values of: inclusion of both housed and unhoused in all levels; fun, joy, play, humor and grounding used as primary attractions; a facilitated drum circle to build heart and body grounding; additional concentric circles of witnesses and space-holder/protectors as a safe and co-created container; open and close active drumming sessions with mutual support, trauma healing and self-care skills. Register at the link.

Led by David Hazen, a long-time peace activist and member of the development group for local therapeutic drum circles project.

David: "I am interested in a community discussion of the advantages and potential pitfalls of a drum circle seeking to unite the housed and unhoused, and I would be very pleased if you would join a Peace Day Drum Circle Zoom sponsored by Center for Dialog and Resolution."

If you'd like to join CDR for this event, please fill out this (very brief) form!
Peace Day Signup Form (click here):

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11:00 AM11:00

CNV New York, NY


Interfaith Prayer Service for the UN International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

In observance of the UN International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, Pax Christi Metro New York, The World Yoga Community, Heiwa Peace and Reconciliation Foundation of New York, and the Buddhist Council of New York are hosting an interfaith prayer service on Saturday, September 26th from 11 AM to 1 PM via Zoom. All are welcome to offer a prayer, poem, reflection, or chant of no more than two minutes on peace and nuclear weapons abolition from their faith tradition.

Contact for the Zoom link and to let us know if you would like to offer a brief prayer, poem, reflection, or chant.

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12:00 PM12:00

CNV Washington, DC

ONLINE Training in Early Warning, Early Response for Unarmed Civilian Protection

ONLINE Training:
Unarmed Civilian Protection and Accompaniment is a methodology for teams that offer direct protection of civilians and others, reduction of hostility, re-humanization of parties, as well as increasing local peace infrastructures. The skills learned can be modified and applied in many facets of life, including political demonstrations, local events, accompaniment of those in danger, neighborhood conflicts, and international conflicts.

In this session, the participants will get familiar with the use of the method known as early warning early response (EWER). This approach aims at improving Unarmed Civilian Protection (UCP) strategies against different threats that can surge in the current US context. The idea is to increase the preparation of Peace Team members by fostering a collective reflection on how we communicate with each other, how we analyze and understand a threat and how we prepare ourselves to respond to it

1) Learning what is EWER
2) Why we use it
3) How we can use EWER in the US current context.


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12:00 PM12:00

CNV San Antonio, TX

 A virtual conversation with Dr. Maria Felix-Ortiz of the Psychology Department, Dr. Julie Miller of Cultural Studies, and Dr. Brandon Metroka of Political Science, and Madison Hering, Pi Sigma Alpha President and a senior in Political Science. Explore the ethical questions raised in the non-partisan voter reflection guide The questions address urgent moral issues, such as, justice for immigrants, economic dignity, human trafficking, care for creation and climate change, racism, and criminal justice reform, democracy and voting rights, health care and the coronavirus pandemic, and global peacebuilding. This nonpartisan reflection guide is co-sponsored by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Faith in Public Life, Interfaith Power & Light, and other groups. University of the Incarnate Word hosts: Cultural Studies, Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science, Psychology Department, Women and Gender Studies, and more. Register for this virtual event

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7:30 PM19:30

CNV Cincinnati, OH

NVA Awake and Act 9.23 (1).png

***Registration is free but required*** During the Week of Nonviolence, IJPC's NonViolence Alliance invites you to join us for, "Awake & Act: Living Nonviolently in 2020." The event will feature a panel including Pastor Ennis Tait, author Justin Barringer, and community organizer Jessica Moore, followed by small group discussion. Panelists and participants will be encouraged to reflect on nonviolence as a daily practice and as a tool for social movements.
Every year, Pace e Bene organizes the Week of Nonviolence, a national week of action across the United States and the world, built around the third week of September, near Sept. 21st, International Peace Day. By joining us next Wednesday, you'll be one of thousands of individuals around the world participating in actions between Sept. 19-27 aimed toward bring about a nonviolent world.

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to Sep 25

CNV Arlington Heights, IL

We will express our support & solidarity with the nonviolence movement by praying for nonviolence as a community each morning (M-F). This event will be exclusive to our school community, but anyone is welcome to pray with us each day from where you are!

Below are the prayers we will be using each day:

Prayer for Monday, September 21st

Dear God,

Help me to practice nonviolence.

When all is darkness
And we feel weak and helpless,
Give us a sense of Your Presence.

Help us to trust
In Your boundless love,
So that when we feel frightened or worried,
We can find purpose and direction in You.


Prayer for Tuesday, September 22nd

Dear God,

Help us to practice nonviolence.

We pray for the power to be gentle;
the strength to be forgiving;
the patience to be understanding;
and the endurance to accept the consequences
of holding on to what we believe to be right.

May we put our trust in the power of good to overcome evil
and the power of love to overcome hatred.

We pray for the vision to see and the faith to believe
in a world emancipated from violence,
a new world where fear shall no longer lead men or women to commit injustice,
nor selfishness make them bring suffering to others.

Help us to devote our whole life and thought and energy
to the task of making peace,
praying always for the inspiration and the power
to fulfill the destiny for which we and all men and women were created.


In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer for Wednesday, September 23rd

Loving God,

Help me to practice nonviolence.

When I witness violent actions, words, or thoughts,
help me to recognize You in the most vulnerable
and respond in the words of Mohatma Gandhi:

I offer you peace.
I offer you love.
I offer you friendship.
I see your beauty.
I hear your need.
I feel your feelings.
My wisdom flows from the highest Source.
I salute that Source in you.
Let us work together. For unity and peace.


Prayer for Thursday, September 24th


Help us to practice nonviolence.

We are molded, each one of us,
in the image of God,
and within our souls there is a fingerprint
none can erase.
We pray for those who have no regard
for anyone but self,
who put no value on human life.
For nations and individuals who abuse and kill.

Help us to recognize our role in the world,
That we are not called to be judge or jury,
but to be agents of change—
Building in the direction of a universal beloved community.


Prayer for Friday, September 25th

Dear God,

Help me to practice nonviolence.

As I follow the legacy of Jesus,
Help me to claim my identity as your beloved son or daughter,
That I might always live as a bold peacemaker,
And serve your call to nonviolent love in action.


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12:00 PM12:00

CNV Clinton, IA

To celebrate the International Day of Peace and Campaign Nonviolence, the Franciscan Peace Center asked folks from every state in the U.S. to tell us about t...

Walking for Peace Across the USA

Dozens of people from across the country have answered the call from the Franciscan Peace Center in Clinton, Iowa to participate in a revolutionary new collaborative video project to celebrate peace.

The Sisters of St. Francis of Clinton, Iowa have traditionally held a vigil at their home – The Canticle – to celebrate the International Day of Peace on September 21 and Campaign Nonviolence which this year will take place September 19-27. In the past, visitors were invited to pray, sing, attend services, and participate in drumming circles, community-wide walks, and other activities. But with the pandemic limiting in-person gatherings, some creative thinking was in order. In an effort to honor all of these traditions, organizers came up with an idea for a virtual walk across the USA.

Individuals from each state across the country were recruited and asked to record themselves walking and talking about a wish for peace in their state. The individual videos were edited together into a 13-minute project.

“We knew it was an ambitious concept when we came up with it, but thanks to our relationships with family and friends from across the USA it has really come together better than we had even imagined,” states Sister Kathleen Holland of the committee working on the project. “It is truly moving to see so many people from across the country who all share a common dream for peace.”

A short preview of the video is available now here:

“My name is D.J.,” says a young boy as he walks holding hands with his little sister, “and I am from Wisconsin. My wish for Wisconsin is to have greater equality.”
“Oh, Aloha!” greets a man with a surfboard. “I’m Pastor John, and here in the islands of Hawaii, we paddle for peace!”
Cheryl in New Mexico believes that if “people learn to care for each other and help each other there is no problem on the planet that we cannot solve together.”

Music was supplied by Native American flutist William Buchholtz-Allison who was selected to honor the indigenous people of the land now known as the United States of America.

The video will be released on Monday, September 21 - the International Day of Peace and will be accessible at the following places online:
• YouTube
• Facebook
• Twitter

The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") is observed around the world each year on September 21. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. The Clinton Franciscans have sponsored a local observance of the International Day of Peace at The Canticle every year since 2001.

Campaign Nonviolence is a grassroots movement to mainstream active nonviolence using the vision of Martin Luther King, Jr. that calls us to become people of nonviolence and to resolve personal and global conflicts nonviolently. Every year, Campaign Nonviolence organizes a national week of action across the United States and around the world, built around September 21st, International Day of Peace. Planners hope participants will use the week as an organizing tool, to get the movement moving, to invite people of all walks of life to take to the streets against violence and injustice, and to carry on Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of what we could become, a new culture of nonviolence.

The Franciscan Peace Center was established by the Sisters of St. Francis as a means for integrating Franciscan spirituality with the mission of promoting active nonviolence and peacemaking, as well as advocating for social justice issues and care for the Earth. Most recently, the Center has focused on immigration reform, human trafficking, abolition of the death penalty, domestic violence and sexual assault, poverty, environmental concerns, and active nonviolence. More information is available at

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2:30 PM14:30

CNV San Diego, California

San Diego.png

This is the 7th Annual Week of Action sponsored by Campaign Nonviolence. It always happens during the week that includes International Day of Peace (9/21). This is the 7th year that the Franciscan Peace Connection has been active in Peace Week San Diego.  This is our first virtual event. It is one of over 3700 events taking place globally during these 8 days.

The flyer has the information for free registration. We will welcome a max of 100 supporters. Once you register you will receive the pertinent info for linking in with us on Sunday. We will have a Q & A at the end.

Register here:

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to Oct 26

CNV Olympia, WA

Glen Anderson - 6 practical workshops on Grassroots Organizing -- Sept-Oct 2020 -- FLYER_1.jpg

Two series of 6 online workshops on "Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing" every week starting Sun. Sept. 20 and Mon. Sept. 21. Participants may choose either Sunday afternoons or Monday evenings (Pacific Daylight Time). Participants have enjoyed these workshops very much when I've conducted them before. These workshops are interesting, engaging, informative, inspiring, and very practical. They cover several aspects of the topic, including a solid, profound grounding in nonviolence that is both ethical and very practical. These workshops help people strategize and organize long-term grassroots movements for big issues (peace, climate, economic justice, various social justice issues, etc.). The workshops provide smart insights and strategies for devising outreach and messaging that will attract and motivate people. Each week's online workshop includes some links to excellent resource materials that flesh out that week's topic and can be used in the future.

SEE MORE INFORMATION AT THIS LINK -- -- and SIGN UP NOW. Tell me whether you want Sunday afternoons or Monday evenings. Please provide name, phone number, and e-mail address. Send to

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to Sep 21

CNV Hillsboro, OR

Eileen Sleva peace pole.jpeg

Westside Ultraviolet, the city of Beaverton and Rotary International will install a new Peace Pole this September, proclaiming “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. The Peace Pole will be installed at Denney Gardens, a Habitat for Humanity community, on September 20, as part of Beaverton Welcoming Week.
Please join us at a virtual, Facebook live-stream event on September 21 at 7 pm, featuring the Peace Pole dedication and peace activities honoring the International Day of Peace. The theme for the International Day of Peace is “Shaping Peace Together.” Celebrate the day by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemic and joining us on Facebook live at:

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to Sep 27

CNV Austin, TX

  • 1100 Congress Avenue Austin, TX, 78701 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Songs of Peace: Nine Days of Online Concerts for Campaign Nonviolence

Nonviolent Austin is hosting a nine-day online concert during the Campaign Nonviolence Action Week Sept. 19-27, 2020. Three music acts will be featured daily, each performing a ten minute segment including a couple of songs along with introductions about the connections of their music to peacemaking and justice. The program for each day will drop at 7:00 p.m. CDT (Texas time!), September 19-27 showcasing Austin's most soulful troubadours for peace.


Day 1, 9/19: Willie Nelson and his sons Lukas and Micah Nelson; Eliza Gilkyson; David Pulkingham

Day 2, 9/20: Francisco Chavez; Danny Schmidt & Carrie Elkin

Day 3, 9/21: Kelly Richey; Paul Finley; Gurf Morlix

Day 4, 9/22: Chucky Black; Erin Ivey; Jimmie Dale Gilmore

Day 5, 9/23: Darden Smith; Radney Foster; Wendy Colonna

Day 6, 9/24: Riders Against the Storm; Alex Coke & Elaine Barber; Dave Madden

Day 7, 9/25: Walt & Tina Wilkins; David Clauss; Parker Woodland

Day 8, 9/26: Terri Hendrix; Andrew Crosby; Jimi Calhoun; Sarah and the Sundays

Day 9, 9/27: Jonathan Horstmann, Meg Engelhart, Roy Book Binder

The basic format for each evening is for each artist to have up to ten minutes to play a song or two and, if they choose, to give brief introductions, setting their music in the context of work for peace and justice, for building a nonviolent culture of peace.

Put these exquisite artists on your calendars! Make this time your daily meditation/prayer for peace, in solidarity with peace loving people all over the world, who shine light and hope in darkness. And please give to what you can to these artists and Campaign Nonviolence.

In addition, from noon to 1:00 p.m. each of those nine days, Nonviolent Austin will be present in peace vigil (with Campaign Nonviolence banner and signs) at 11th and Congress, in front of the Texas State Capitol.

Nonviolent Austin Facebook Page

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to Sep 27

CNV Lakeville, MN

The Power of Nonviolence: Creating Social Justice and Beloved Community - An Online Training

Although most social movements use nonviolent activism to achieve their ends, many do not study it to understand how and why it works in order to wield it more effectively. When nonviolence is appreciated fully, our activism becomes more effective, powerful, and sustainable. When we embody nonviolence, it has the power to help us transcend our suffering while creating beloved community.

Join us to learn about the power of nonviolence.

This free training is a collaboration with Twin Cities Nonviolent’s 10 Days Free from Violence and Campaign Nonviolence’s Action Week 2020, and is offered by the Boundless Love Project.

The Boundless Love Project is a nonsectarian nonprofit that nonviolently creates a global beloved community where all people, animals, and ecosystems thrive. Through the inner work of compassionate mindful meditation, and the outer work of loving nonviolent advocacy, we overcome falsehood with truth, apathy with compassion, greed with peace, and prejudice with love. Learn more about our free, nonviolence trainings and group meditations at

How to Attend
This event will be held online using Zoom.

Please click this link and complete the registration form:

After registering, you will get an email with a link that will allow you to join this event and all Virtual 10 Days Free from Violence events. Star this email so it is easy for you to fine. The link will start like this:

At the time of the event, pull up the email and click on the link. We suggest you try hitting the link 5 minutes before the event starts. This will give you some time to problem solve any technical challenges that may arise.

Intro to Meditation: How to Awaken Your Inner Love, Peace, and Joy

Meditation results in an easier, more productive, more enjoyable, and more fulfilling life. This class will contain a guided meditation, a talk on the benefits of meditation, and resources to help you start a daily 5-minutes meditation practice. This workshop is not affiliated with any religious tradition and is suitable for new, intermediate, and advanced meditators.

Boundless Love Project Mindfulness Teacher Freeman Wicklund will lead the presentation. He has taught personal development issues at dozens of schools, universities, community groups, and religious centers, throughout the U.S. He has 14 years of meditation experience and has completed over 100 days of intensive meditation retreats.

This free training is a collaboration with Twin Cities Nonviolent’s 10 Days Free from Violence and Campaign Nonviolence’s Action Week 2020, and is offered by the Boundless Love Project.

The Boundless Love Project is a nonsectarian nonprofit that nonviolently creates a global beloved community where all people, animals, and ecosystems thrive. Through the inner work of compassionate mindful meditation, and the outer work of loving nonviolent advocacy, we overcome falsehood with truth, apathy with compassion, greed with peace, and prejudice with love. Learn more about our free, nonviolence trainings and group meditations at

How to Attend
This event will be held online using Zoom.

1. REGISTER FOR THE EVENT.Please click this link and complete the registration form at:

After registering, you will get an email with a link that will allow you to join this event and all Virtual 10 Days Free from Violence events. Star this email so it is easy for you to fine. The link will start like this:

At the time of the event, pull up the email and click on the link. We suggest you try hitting the link 5 minutes before the event starts. This will give you some time to problem solve any technical challenges that may arise.

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to Oct 29

CNV Albuquerque, NM

  • Holy Cross Lutheran Church (online) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This online Zoom Bible Study will start with some of the passages about shalom in the Hebrew scriptures (the Old Testament which was Jesus’ Bible), study God’s vision of peace in the prophets, continue with the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus’ teaching on nonviolence, and finish with the events of Holy Week and Jesus’ actions for justice and peace. Three Bible study groups will meet each week: Tuesdays at 7:00 pm MST, Wednesdays at 10:00 am MST, or Thursdays at 11:00 am MST. Pastor Matt Powell and I will send out the Zoom links by email along with a handout with scripture passages and other readings and prayers. You can also find the Zoom links and the handout on the Holy Cross Lutheran Church website:

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5:30 PM17:30

CNV Menlo Park, CA

Multifaith Peace Picnic & Prayers (Virtual event)

Let us move from fear to friendship! Hosted by American Muslim Voice and Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, we will begin with spiritual music and sharing a virtual picnic, followed by a program with prayers from Muslim, Jewish, Baha'i, Quaker and Christian traditions, poems composed and read by children, and three featured speakers:
Rev, Dr. Emma Jordon-Simpson - Executive Director of Fellowship of Reconciliation
Nancy Meyer - Member of Peaceful Tomorrows and sister-in-law of 9/11 Flight 93 victim Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas
Dr. Dot Maver - peacebuilder and educator who inspires cooperation on behalf of the common good; co-founder of Global Silent Minute, National Peace Academy USA, River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding and Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace
We will close with a ceremony "Light the Night for Peace & Justice" from our homes.

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