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CNV Lakeville, MN

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The Power of Nonviolence: Creating Social Justice and Beloved Community - An Online Training

Although most social movements use nonviolent activism to achieve their ends, many do not study it to understand how and why it works in order to wield it more effectively. When nonviolence is appreciated fully, our activism becomes more effective, powerful, and sustainable. When we embody nonviolence, it has the power to help us transcend our suffering while creating beloved community.

Join us to learn about the power of nonviolence.

This free training is a collaboration with Twin Cities Nonviolent’s 10 Days Free from Violence and Campaign Nonviolence’s Action Week 2020, and is offered by the Boundless Love Project.

The Boundless Love Project is a nonsectarian nonprofit that nonviolently creates a global beloved community where all people, animals, and ecosystems thrive. Through the inner work of compassionate mindful meditation, and the outer work of loving nonviolent advocacy, we overcome falsehood with truth, apathy with compassion, greed with peace, and prejudice with love. Learn more about our free, nonviolence trainings and group meditations at

How to Attend
This event will be held online using Zoom.

Please click this link and complete the registration form:

After registering, you will get an email with a link that will allow you to join this event and all Virtual 10 Days Free from Violence events. Star this email so it is easy for you to fine. The link will start like this:

At the time of the event, pull up the email and click on the link. We suggest you try hitting the link 5 minutes before the event starts. This will give you some time to problem solve any technical challenges that may arise.

Intro to Meditation: How to Awaken Your Inner Love, Peace, and Joy

Meditation results in an easier, more productive, more enjoyable, and more fulfilling life. This class will contain a guided meditation, a talk on the benefits of meditation, and resources to help you start a daily 5-minutes meditation practice. This workshop is not affiliated with any religious tradition and is suitable for new, intermediate, and advanced meditators.

Boundless Love Project Mindfulness Teacher Freeman Wicklund will lead the presentation. He has taught personal development issues at dozens of schools, universities, community groups, and religious centers, throughout the U.S. He has 14 years of meditation experience and has completed over 100 days of intensive meditation retreats.

This free training is a collaboration with Twin Cities Nonviolent’s 10 Days Free from Violence and Campaign Nonviolence’s Action Week 2020, and is offered by the Boundless Love Project.

The Boundless Love Project is a nonsectarian nonprofit that nonviolently creates a global beloved community where all people, animals, and ecosystems thrive. Through the inner work of compassionate mindful meditation, and the outer work of loving nonviolent advocacy, we overcome falsehood with truth, apathy with compassion, greed with peace, and prejudice with love. Learn more about our free, nonviolence trainings and group meditations at

How to Attend
This event will be held online using Zoom.

1. REGISTER FOR THE EVENT.Please click this link and complete the registration form at:

After registering, you will get an email with a link that will allow you to join this event and all Virtual 10 Days Free from Violence events. Star this email so it is easy for you to fine. The link will start like this:

At the time of the event, pull up the email and click on the link. We suggest you try hitting the link 5 minutes before the event starts. This will give you some time to problem solve any technical challenges that may arise.

Earlier Event: September 15
CNV Albuquerque, NM
Later Event: September 19
CNV Los Angeles, CA