Contact Full Name: Bekky Baker
Event Description: Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center and Third Way Peace Fellowship are hosting a Peace Potluck. There will be a pot of chili provided and you are encouraged to bring a dish to share with other folks but it is not required for attendance. In addition to sharing food with one another, there will be a discussion and activity centered on nonviolence. All of the leftovers from the meal will be donated to the free fridge located at the building.
Event Start Date: 9/29/2022
Event End Date: 9/29/2022
Time of event: 6pm - 8pm
Event Website:
Event Description: We are launching our Strategic Nonviolence for Peace Advocacy Certificate series to coincide with CNV and the International Day of Peace. The purpose of the certificate program is to provide participants with a broad overview of nonviolence. The certificate program is designed to introduce participants to the philosophy and strategic theories that undergird nonviolence while also providing practical tools to enable participants to engage in nonviolence on a personal, interpersonal, and community level. You can attend all of the sessions to earn a certificate or pick which ones are most salient to you.
Event Start Date: 9/14/2022
Event End Date: 11/16/2022
Time of event: 6pm - 8pm
Event Website: