Francis and Clare’s nonviolent actions, continued. Journey to the “enemy.” The wolf. The invaders. The Sultan Malek al-Kamil during the Fifth Crusade
Gubbio; San Damiano; Egypt
Welcome! This week we continue to follow in the footsteps of Francis and Clare’s “nonviolent actions.”
When we see or hear evil spoken or done
or God blasphemed,
let us speak well and do well
and praise God
Who is blessed forever. Rom 12:21 Rom 1:25 b—Francis of Assisi: Early Documents,
Vol. I, The Saint p. 76
The Decalogue for a Franciscan Spirituality, by Sr. Rosemary Lynch, OSF and Fr. Alain Richard, OFM
The Wolf of Gubbio
Clare Repels an Attack
Francis and the Sultan Malek al-Kamil - Paul Moses video: 7:40-13:12; 43-14-42:54
Small group and large group discussion
Here are a few readings, if you like:
Saint Francis Rejects the Myth of Redemptive Violence
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Meeting ID: 829 4832 9997
Passcode: 015625
“At the time that Saint Francis was staying in the city of Gubbio, in the district of Gubbio there appeared a very big wolf, fearsome and ferocious, which devoured not only animals but even human beings, so that all the citizens were in great fear, because many times he came near the city. All would go armed when they went out of the city as if they were going to combat, yet with all this, those who were alone and encountered him could not defend themselves from him. And out of fear of this wolf it came to the point that no one dared to leave that town.” To continue, click here.
“Vitalis d'Aversa, captain of an imperial army, directed that army against Assisi. He stripped the land of trees, devastated the entire countryside, and so settled down to besiege the city. He declared with threatening words that he would in no way withdraw until he had taken possession of that city…
“When Clare, the servant of Christ, heard this, she was profoundly grieved, called her sisters around her, and said: ‘Dearest children, every day we receive many good things from that city. It would be terrible if, at a proper time, we did not help it, as we now can.’ She commanded that some ashes be brought and that the sisters bare their heads. First she scattered a lot of ashes over her own head and then placed them on the heads of those sisters. ‘Go to our Lord,’ she said, ‘and with all your heart beg for the liberation of the city.’” To continue, click here.
Session 4 Video
“…the Order of Lesser Brothers…is multiplying rapidly throughout the world, because it expressly imitates the pattern of the primitive Church and the life of the apostles in everything…The head of these brothers, who also founded the order, came into our camp. He was so inflamed with zeal for the faith that he did not fear to cross the lines to the army of our enemy.” Jacques de Vitry, Letter VI of 1220; Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, Vol. I, The Saint, p. 581.