September 3, 2022

"Posters, Ideas, Tools—Get Ready for Action Days!" Presenting the Action Days Toolkit. Includes Solidarity Call: Support Jackson, MS, Amidst Water Crisis, Piero Falci's blog "Looking from Above," Rivera Sun's blog "Divest from Violence" and events Intergenerational Organizing and Youth Allyship—Tapping Into Our Power Together, DC Peace Team Online Trainings, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, and Assisi Pilgrimage Online: A Virtual Journey of Peace and Nonviolence in the Footsteps of Francis and Clare. Download here.

September 10, 2022

"Mobilizing coast to coast—and around the world!" Summer amble and Action Days with Rosie Davila. Includes Solidarity Call: Send Us the Details for Your Events During Action Week, Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolent Action Working to End Gun Sales," Ruth Ann Angus' blog "What is a Nonviolent City?" and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Assisi Pilgrimage Online: A Virtual Journey of Peace and Nonviolence in the Footsteps of Francis and Clare, Voluntary Simplicity, and Writing Nonviolence. Download here.

September 17, 2022

"Here Come the Campaign Nonviolence Action Days!" Eight Points to Peace with Twin Cities Nonviolent, Movement on the Move with Alan Sutton, and War Culture Jamming Affinity Group. Includes Solidarity Call: Send Us the Details for Your Events During Action Week, Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolent Joliet Plans March to City Council," and "A Visionary Poster Series from Campaign Nonviolence," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Assisi Pilgrimage Online: A Virtual Journey of Peace and Nonviolence in the Footsteps of Francis and Clare, Voluntary Simplicity, and Writing Nonviolence. Download here.

September 24, 2022

"Mutual Aid in Action—Campaign Nonviolence Actions Days #4." Looking back at the successes from the beginning of the week, and looking forward to the events and actions still coming. Download here.