September 5, 2020

"Countdown to Action Week + Watch a message from Kit and Join Upcoming Trainings" Includes John Dear's Podcast "The Raising of Lazarus," Jim Forest's blog "Contemplation and Resistance: A Conversation," and DC Peace Teams Online Trainings, Practical Tools to Prepare for Street Demonstrations, Reflecting on Plowshares 8 Peace Witnexx, Organizing to Prevent Nuclear War in the Current Moment, CNV Action Week, Nonviolence In Action: Planning and Strategy, and Nonviolence Online Community Course In Partnership with the Mercy Center Burlingame. Download here.

September 12, 2020

"In begins next week! 3700 nonviolent actions. Be part of history and join Action Week!" Details about planned actions. Includes Nonviolent Morro Bay's blog "Backwards Land, in Support of BLM," Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: #CancelRent, Bad Jazz, and more," and DC Peace Teams Online Trainings, CNV Action Week, Emotionally Intelligent Nonviolence Course, De-escalation Training, Nonviolence In Action: Planning and Strategy, Nonviolence Online Community Course In Partnership with the Mercy Center Burlingame, and Introduction to NVC for Social Change. Download here.

September 19, 2020

"Campaign Nonviolence Action Week Begins Today with Over 4000 Events!" Kicking off the 7th annual Campaign Nonviolence Action Week. Featuring Songs of Peace: 9 Days of Online Concerts with Nonviolent Austin, Virtual 10 Days Free From Violence in St. Paul/Minneapolis, and much more. Download here.

September 26, 2020

"A Full Week of Campaign Nonviolence Actions + join our upcoming online courses!" Featuring actions from the MK Gandhi Institute, Global Peace Film Festival, Peace Week Summit in Little Rock, and more. Download here.