October 7, 2023

"Love Is What Matters: Honoring Our Founder Louie Vitale." Fr. Louie's memorial service, Rosie Davila's illustrated Louie Vitale video, and free books. Includes Solidarity Call: Send Us Your Post Action Reports, Ken Butigan’s blogs, "Remembering Louie Vitale: A Eulogy," and "New Papal Document and the Spirit of Nonviolence," and events The Path to Nonviolence and the New Story, Making Magic Happen Series, A Mindful and Nonviolent Holiday Season, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Peaceful Cities: Local Strategies for Peacebuilding & Nonviolence, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

October 14, 2023

"Caring for All." Mourning the suffering in Israel and Palestine, 7 steps to end the cycle of violence, waging peace. Includes Solidarity Call: Tell Congress to Oppose a Ground Invasion In Gaza, Piero Falci's blog "Peacemakers: Paradigm Changers," Ken Butigan’s blog, "Waging Peace: an Ordinary, Extraordinary Life," and events The Path to Nonviolence and the New Story, Making Magic Happen Series, A Mindful and Nonviolent Holiday Season, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Peaceful Cities: Local Strategies for Peacebuilding & Nonviolence, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

October 21, 2023

"Put More Nonviolence Skills Under Your Belt." Thoughts on Action Days, Meeting Mission Mississippi, and hearing your solidarity action stories. Includes Solidarity Call: CitiBank is the world's #2 fossil fuel financier—tell them to stop, Tom Hastings’ blog "First One to Commit to Nonviolence Wins," Erin Bechtol's blog "Action Days in New York, Milwaukee, and Maryland," and events A Mindful and Nonviolent Holiday Season, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Peaceful Cities: Local Strategies for Peacebuilding & Nonviolence, Online Grief Circles with the MK Gandhi Institute, Engaging Nonviolence: An Online Community Course, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

October 28, 2023

"Ceasefire." How you can help Israel and Palestine, strengthen your nonviolence skills, and Beating Guns: Hope for People Weary of Violence. Includes Solidarity Call: Call for Humanitarian access and a ceasefire for Gaza now!, Tony Magliano's blog "Justice, Not Violence, Will End Israel-Hamas War," Rivera Sun's blog "Ceasefire Calls Grow, Guatemala Roadblocks, More," and events Online Grief Circles with the MK Gandhi Institute, Engaging Nonviolence: An Online Community Course, Beating Guns: Hope for People Weary of Violence, Making Magic Happen: Heart & Spirit in Online Courses, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.