October 1, 2022

"Campaign nonviolence March—Campaign Nonviolence Action Days #11." Marching toward racial healing, equity, environmental caring, and the fullness of peace. Download here.

October 8, 2022

"Thank you! 4622+ Actions for a Culture of Nonviolence!" Celebrate the incredible organizing for this year's Action Days. Includes Solidarity Call: Honor Indigenous Peoples Day!, Rivera Sun's blog "Photos & Stories from CNV Action Days," Ruth Ann Angus' blog "We Do It for the Kiddos!" and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, Assisi Pilgrimage Online: A Virtual Journey of Peace and Nonviolence in the Footsteps of Francis and Clare, Voluntary Simplicity, and Writing Nonviolence. Download here.

October 15, 2022

"Resources for the Nonviolent Journey." A virtual retreat on gospel nonviolence, books, and videos. Includes Solidarity Call: Tell Congress to Fund Affordable Housing!, Rivera Sun's blogs "CNV 2022 Action Reports Skateboard Ride-In for Racial Justice, and more!" and "Drum Circle for Healing in Chicago, Youth Stopping Gun Violence in Atlanta, and Much More!" and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, Assisi Pilgrimage Online: A Virtual Journey of Peace and Nonviolence in the Footsteps of Francis and Clare, Voluntary Simplicity, and Writing Nonviolence. Download here.

October 22, 2022

"Going Deeper with Nonviolence: Next Steps and Looking Forward." Identify a goal for 2023, Ken Butigan's Nonviolent Lives, and Soul of Nonviolence Podcast "What are you going to do?" Includes Solidarity Call: #DivestFromDeath Week of Action with Dissenters, Michael Nagler's blog "From Protest to Paradigm," Rivera Sun's blog "Shifting Systems with Nonviolent Strategy," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, and George Lakey—Meeting our Challenges Tour. Download here.

October 29, 2022

"Grateful for all who inspire us." Celebrating the life and work of June Eisley, nonviolent Halloween, and Soul of Nonviolence Podcast "Truth and Transformation." Includes Solidarity Call: Reject Violence in Your Halloween Costumes, Rivera Sun's blogs "Nonviolent City Tables for Nonviolence at Tailgate Event in Delaware," and "Haiti Marches, France Strikes, Chad Protests, Egypt Demands Rosetta Stone Back," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, Campaign Nonviolence Affinity Groups— Virtual Gathering, and George Lakey—Meeting our Challenges Tour. Download here.