November 4, 2023

"I Grew Up Next Door to Lewiston—We Need a Culture of Nonviolence." Rivera's response to the shooting in Maine, Rosie's spoken word poem When I Was 10, Father of Shooting Victim: Don't Hate, and online grief circles. Includes Solidarity Call: Tell Congress—Ban Automatic Assault Weapons, Metta Center for Nonviolence's blog "A Window of Hope," Rivera Sun's blog "Global Protests for Gaza, Icelandic Women Strike+," and events Engaging Nonviolence: An Online Community Course, Beating Guns: Hope for People Weary of Violence, Making Magic Happen: Heart & Spirit in Online Courses, A Mindful and Nonviolent Holiday Season, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

November 11, 2023

"More Power Than We Think to Stop War." Rivera Sun's virtual talk, Rosie Davila on how you can help Israel/Palestine, the Merchants of Death War Tribunal, and a message from Mubarak Awad. Includes Solidarity Call: Ceasefire Now, Tony Magliano, "Observing the end of 'the war to end all wars,'" Piero Falci's blog "Recognizing Our Own Violence," and events A Mindful and Nonviolent Holiday Season, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Online Grief Circles with the MK Gandhi Institute, Making Magic Happen: Keeping It Lively, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

November 18, 2023

"Changemaker Youth Grants 2024—Now Open for Applications." Rosie Davila's Action Days Highlights, Nonviolent Owensboro Cohosts Parents Circle on Israel-Palestine, and #SweaterSelfies. Includes Solidarity Call: Countering Violence & Hate, Rivera Sun's blog "Warm Up Protests, Slow Marches, and More," Mubarak Awad's blog "Ceasefire Now," and events A Mindful and Nonviolent Holiday Season, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Online Grief Circles with the MK Gandhi Institute, Making Magic Happen: Keeping It Lively, Beyond Violence: Creating a Culture of Peace, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

November 23, 2023

"We are grateful for you!" Celebrating Thanksgiving with Pace e Bene staff's gratitude for a culture of nonviolence. Download here.

November 28, 2023

"Give the Gift of Peace and Nonviolence on #GivingTuesday." Mainstreaming nonviolence with creative designs, financial contributions, and our monthly donor program. Download here.