November 7, 2020

"#CountEveryVote #EveryVoteCounts." Correct misinformation, thank election officials, and hold actions. Includes Piero Falci's blog "Go to the Silence, Change the World," Pace e Bene's blog "Defend Democracy with Nonviolence," and events Applying Meditation for Nonviolent Living, Nonviolent Action Lab with the Pace e Bene Team, From Confusion to Clarity: Finding Your Way Forward with Kingian Nonviolence, Nonviolent Communication and Anger, Soul Force: The Dance of Contemplation and Right Action Winter Nonviolence Retreat, and Nonviolent Schools Rhode Island Antiracist Book Club. Download here.

November 14, 2020

"Election Action Update—5 Things We Can Do" Urging everyone to accept the results of the election and count every vote. Includes Stephanie Van Hook's blog "We Cannot Love Our 'Enemies,'" Piero Falci's blog "The Importance of Silence," and events From Confusion to Clarity: Finding Your Way Forward with Kingian Nonviolence, Nonviolent Action Lab with the Pace e Bene Team, Nonviolent Communication and Anger, Soul Force: The Dance of Contemplation and Right Action Winter Nonviolence Retreat, and Nonviolent Schools Rhode Island Antiracist Book Club. Download here.

November 21, 2020

"Love. Mourn. Organize." A nonviolent response to the pandemics lasting impacts. Includes Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Bat Signals, Trump's Lies, Pancakes Fascism, and Dancing In the Streets," Tony Magliano's blog "The Time Is One Hundred Seconds to Midnight," and events Bystander Intervention Skills Training, Strategic Value of Humor in Nonviolent Struggle, Celebrate the Living Legacy of Dorothy Day, Nonviolent Communication and Anger, Violence De-escalation Skills Training with Meta Peace Team, Soul Force: The Dance of Contemplation and Right Action Winter Nonviolence Retreat, and Nonviolent Schools Rhode Island Antiracist Book Club. Download here.

November 28, 2020

"Gratitude for goodness." Grappling with a complicated holiday and finding hope in the next generation of peacemakers. Includes Tony Magliano's blog "Making a Difference: The Economy of Francis—of Both Saint and Pope," Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Not My President. No Es Mi Presidente," and events Celebrate the Living Legacy of Dorothy Day, Nonviolent Action Lab with the Pace e Bene Team, Violence De-escalation Skills Training with Meta Peace Team, Soul Force: The Dance of Contemplation and Right Action Winter Nonviolence Retreat, Nonviolent Communication and Anger, and Nonviolent Schools Rhode Island Antiracist Book Club. Download here.