May 4, 2024

"Envisioning a Different Culture." Honoring student leaders, Environmental Activism 101, People Power & Peace. Includes Solidarity Call: Bring Food to Gaza Solidarity Encampment, Tony Magliano's blog "Migrants: Unappreciated, Hardworking, and Needed," Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Plastics Protest, Ceasefire Encampment, Funeral for Nature," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, and People Power & Peace. Download here.

May 11, 2024

"Building Nonviolence." Making sure people know the nonviolent option is possible, Cathy Hoffman reports on the nonviolence training she helped lead to prepare the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza, and reports from the Peace & Planet mobilization. Includes Solidarity Call: Vigil for Lives Lost in Gaza and Israel, Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Student Encampments, Tree-Sit Against Tesla, & Forest Defenders Save Old Growth," John Mjoseth's blog "Little Village Native Spreads Peace Throughout Chicagoland," and events Western Washington FOR Spring Assembly: Supporting Movements for a Just and Peaceful World, and DC Peace Team Online Trainings. Download here.

May 18, 2024

"Campaign Nonviolence Action Days 2024!" Getting serious about a culture of nonviolence, hiring coordinator of media communications, How to Think About Environmental Issues, and the Earth Action Team takes climate action. Includes Solidarity Call: Rosie's 5-Day Nonviolence Challenge, Rivera Sun's blog "Kenya's Water March, Chile's Fashion Landfill, & Gaza Encampments Are 97% Peaceful," Rachel Mellor's blog "Manchester Students Demand an End to University Complicity in Gaza," and events Online Premiere of Light, Western Washington FOR Spring Assembly: Supporting Movements for a Just and Peaceful World, and DC Peace Team Online Trainings. Download here.

May 25, 2024

"Rescuing Memories on Memorial Day." A Russian movement to remember the human rights violations of the Soviet Period, hiring coordinator of media communications, pursuing peace in Gaza, and being remembered for nonviolence. Includes Solidarity Call: Daniel Ellsberg Week—Education and Action to End the Threat of Nuclear Weapons, Tony Magliano's blog "Endless Flow of Weapons Fueling the World's Wars," Rivera Sun's blog "Local News Is Vital: Can We Survive the Climate Crisis Without It?" and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings. Download here.