May 6, 2023

"We want YOU . . . to color inside—or outside—the lines with our coloring pages!" Students in Costa Rica Use Coloring Pages, and Rosie explores the connection between hippies and nonviolence. Includes Solidarity Call: May is Mental Health Awareness Month, Rivera Sun's blog "News & Updates from Nonviolent Cities in Winter-Spring 2023," David Swanson's blog "What a Supporter of Peace Can Know and Do On Memorial Day," and events How to Hold a Nonviolence Teach-In, Writing Nonviolence II: Personal Stories & Memoir, Gospel Nonviolence 101, The Way Between Book Club for Youth by Youth, CNV Affinity Group Virtual Gathering, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

May 13, 2023

"Done with violence? So are we." Action Days 101, Ken Butigan presents at Vatican Conference, and the Berrigan-McAlister Award. Includes Solidarity Call: #ReparationsNow, Nina Koevoets' blog "What Has to Win is Life," Jill Harris' blog "Courage: The Power of Disarmament," and events How to Hold a Nonviolence Teach-In, Writing Nonviolence II: Personal Stories & Memoir, Gospel Nonviolence 101, The Way Between Book Club for Youth by Youth, CNV Affinity Group Virtual Gathering, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

May 20, 2023

"Youth, Children, Families: A Culture Shift for the Next Generation." How to Hold a Listening Circle for Racial Healing and Gender Justice and Nonviolence. Includes Solidarity Call: #WearOrange on June 2nd National Gun Violence Awareness Day, Jim Crosby's blog "Facing the Future, Holding Us in the Light, Contemplating Moral Revolution," Erin Bechtol's blog "What's All This? George Trippe's New Collection of Essays Supporting Enspirited Lives," and events Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Limit-Setting from the Heart, The Way Between Book Club for Youth by Youth, Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Self-Responsibility Is Sexy, CNV Affinity Group Virtual Gathering, Music as Medicine, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

May 27, 2023

"Foster connection, trust, and group wisdom with Affinity Groups." Gandhian Nonviolence: International Course in India, Everything You Need to Know about Action Days, and Rosie Reporting on The Golden Rule. Includes Solidarity Call: PDX Housing Solidarity Project, Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Big Enough? Greek Ferries Halt, Italians Protest Slashes, & Colombia's Aerial Dance," David Swanson's blog "What a Supporter of Peace Can Know and Do on Memorial Day," and events Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Self-Responsibility Is Sexy, CNV Affinity Group Virtual Gathering, Music as Medicine, Changemaker Youth Grants Closing Ceremony & Celebration, The Power of Listening Circles for Racial Healing, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.