May 2, 2020

"Watch 'Flatten the Curve of Violent Conflict.'" Moving the CNV National Conference Online. Includes Nina Koevoets' blog "Choose Nonviolence, Save the World," Nonviolence in Action: Planning & Strategy Online Course, Nonviolence Online Community Course, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

May 9, 2020

"Listen to John Dear's May Peace Podcast." Walking with the Risen Nonviolent Jesus. Includes Ken Butigan's blog "University's Responsibility for Nonviolence," Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Sidewalk Mural Protests," and Online Introduction to Engaging Nonviolence, Nonviolence Online Community Course, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

May 16, 2020

"Join our next Nonviolence Online Community Course on May 28." Includes Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Strikes Grow Bigger, Bolder," Brian Terrell's blog "COVID-19 and the Wasting Disease of Normalcy," and Nonviolence Online Community Course, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

May 23, 2020

"Only a few days left to register for the next Nonviolence Online Community Course." Includes Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Love In Action," Kelly Richey's blog "A Little Healing for a World In Need," and Nonviolence Online Community Course, Action Organizing Call with Kazu Haga, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

May 30, 2020

"End the Pandemic of Racism." Mourning the killing of George Floyd, and working towards a new, compassionate, nonviolent society. Includes Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Murals, Blockades, and More," and Conflict in the Comments, The Heart of Nonviolence: Healing Ourselves Healing Our Community, Action Organizing Call with Kazu Haga, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.