March 5, 2022

"A Community Gathering in Celebration of Veronica Pelicaric." Share memories and stories with us in honor of our friend and teacher. Includes Solidarity Call: Support the CNV Youth Collective, Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Peace in Ukraine, Resisting Invasion," Tony Magliano's blog "Let Us Not Forget: War is Madness," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, A Celebration of Black Excellence: A Reflection on Black History Month, World As Lover World As Self Book Group, A Gratitude Celebration for Veronica Pelicaric, and Where There is Hatred Let Me Sow Love: A Lenten Retreat on the Spirituality of Nonviolence. Download here.

March 12, 2022

"A Powerful & Poignant Time." Celebrating Veronica Pelicaric, and helping CNV Affinity Groups get started. Includes Solidarity Call: Climate Action Strike, Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: 8K Russians Arrested for Protesting War," Erin Bechtol's blog "Legacy Library: Discovering the Soul of Nonviolence," and events A Gratitude Celebration for Veronica Pelicaric, DC Peace Team Online Trainings, and Where There is Hatred Let Me Sow Love: A Lenten Retreat on the Spirituality of Nonviolence. Download here.

March 19, 2022

"Celebrating the Changemaker Youth Grant Awardees." Learn the details about the first round of Changemaker Projects. Includes Solidarity Call: Support the Khaya Sisters' Nonviolent Activism In Western Sahara, Piero Falci's blog "I Will Not Kill," Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Women's Day, Don't Say Gay, Ecobarrios," and events Where There is Hatred Let Me Sow Love: A Lenten Retreat on the Spirituality of Nonviolence, DC Peace Team Online Trainings, A Time to Break Silence: Exploring Dr. King's Message in Beyond Vietnam, and Mindful Communication & Nonviolence in Dialogue. Download here.

March 26, 2022

"The Most Exciting CNV Action Days Yet!" A full week of specific calls to action Including Protecting the Watershed and Divesting from Violence. Includes Solidarity Call: Tell Airline CEOs to Sign the #GoodAirports Pledge, Ken Butigan's blog "Is a great shift in the human journey at hand?" Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Actions for Earth, Against Femicide" and events A Lenten Exploration of Gospel Nonviolence and Why It Matters, DC Peace Team Online Trainings, A Time to Break Silence: Exploring Dr. King's Message in Beyond Vietnam, Mindful Communication & Nonviolence in Dialogue, Pax Christi Little Rock's 8th Annual Pilgrimage for Peace, and Book Group—Waging Peace: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist. Download here.