June 3, 2023

"How Did You First 'Meet' Nonviolence? Here Are Our Stories." Coloring pages translated into Spanish, nonviolence-themed books for summer reading, and celebrating changemakers. Includes Solidarity Call: Support Dollar General Workers Call for Nonviolent Safety Measures, Rivera Sun's blog "How to Discuss Movies In Ways that Encourage Critical Thinking about War & Violence," Haley Morrow's blog "The Power of Nonviolence: Myths and Reality," and events Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Reflecting Another's Experience without Agreeing, Changemaker Youth Grants Closing Ceremony & Celebration, Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Limit-Setting from the Heart Part 2, Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Deepening Our Self-Responsibility, The Power of Listening Circles for Racial Healing, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

June 10, 2023

"The denser the smoke, the clearer the need." Healing our wounded planet, Building a Culture of Transformational Nonviolence, new Meditation and Nonviolence Affinity Group, and the nonviolent legacy. Includes Solidarity Call: Fossil Fuels Did This Drought, Rivera Sun's blog "Immigrant Work Stoppages, Sea Turtle Rights+" Ken Butigan's blog "Improvising a New World," and events Changemaker Youth Grants Closing Ceremony & Celebration, Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Limit-Setting from the Heart Part 2, Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Deepening Our Self-Responsibility, The Power of Listening Circles for Racial Healing, Gender Justice and Nonviolence, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

June 17, 2023

"'Lively. Passionate. Alive'—A Glimpse of the Movement." Inside Pace e Bene programs, writing for our blog, and Nonviolent Cities Project Interviews Portland Peace Team. Includes Solidarity Call: Commemorate Juneteenth—Call for Reparations, Ken Butigan's blog "A Life of Powerful Choices: Remembering Daniel Ellsberg," Rivera Sun's blog "Youth vs. Apocalypse, Spray-Painted Private Jet, Nonviolent Protection, & PRIDE Under Siege," and events Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Deepening Our Self-Responsibility, The Power of Listening Circles for Racial Healing, Gender Justice and Nonviolence, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Mindfulness Meditation and Mindful Living: An Introduction, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.

June 24, 2023

"Open the Toolbox of Nonviolence During Campaign Nonviolence Action Days." Methods of direct action, special training on virtual role plays, and coloring pages. Includes Solidarity Call: Pledge Never Vanguard!, Ruth Ann Angus' blog "Local Government Cooperation in Nonviolent Cities," Tony Magliano's blog "World Refugee Day: A Call to Care," and events The Power of Listening Circles for Racial Healing, Nurturing Nonviolence Drop-In Class: Using a Needs Lens for Sustainable Practices in Our Home, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, From Conflict to Community: Transforming Conflicts Without Authorities, Gender Justice and Nonviolence, and Assisi, Italy Peace & Justice Pilgrimage. Download here.