June 4, 2022

"Where Does It Hurt? Everywhere." Action is the antidote to despair. Includes Solidarity Call: Wear Orange and March for Our Lives, Ruth Ann Angus' blog "We Are Tired of Being Sad," Rivera Sun's blog, "Peruvians Blockade Mine, Walkouts Against Mass Shootings," and events Healing Through the Music of Nonviolence, Nonviolence Toward Earth, Changemaker Youth Grants: Final Showcase & Closing Ceremony, Artful Activism & Creative Tactics w/Backbone Campaign, Yoga & Nonviolence: Be the Change from the Inside Out, and Nonviolent Schools RI's 2022 Virtual Global Summer Institute. Download here.

June 11, 2022

"Bike Rides, Pop-Up Tents, Kayaktivism—What Will You Do During Action Days?!" Join one of our calls to action or plan your own, and Rosie at March For Our Lives. Includes Solidarity Call: #MeetUSinDC, " Rivera Sun's blog, "Migrant Opera, Ghost Net Divers, and More," Piero Falci's blog "Recognizing Our Own Violence," and events Let's Talk About Hate, Changemaker Youth Grants: Final Showcase & Closing Ceremony, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Artful Activism & Creative Tactics w/Backbone Campaign, Nonviolence Toward Earth, and Yoga & Nonviolence: Be the Change from the Inside Out. Download here.

June 14, 2022

"Help us meet a matching grant! Pace e Bene needs your support." Ken Butigan and Cynthia Okayama Dopke celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary by matching donations up to $2500. Download here.

June 18, 2022

"Voices with Vision—Changemakers, Youth Collective, and Solidarity In Action." Building a culture of nonviolence, joining March For Our Lives. Includes Solidarity Call: Stop Training Students to Shoot Guns, Rivera Sun's blog, "Podcast & Videos—Youth Grantees Lift Their Voices!" Youth Collective blog "Becoming a Strong Woman: A Youth Collective Project," and events Changemaker Youth Grants: Final Showcase & Closing Ceremony, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Artful Activism & Creative Tactics w/Backbone Campaign, DC Peace Team Online Trainings, Nonviolence Toward Earth, and Yoga & Nonviolence: Be the Change from the Inside Out. Download here.

June 25, 2022

"Unlock the Vast & Powerful Potential of Nonviolence." And 100 episodes of Peace Out with Rosie. Includes Solidarity Call: Tell Local Government to Stop Building New Gas Stations, Rivera Sun's blog, "Nonviolence News: Sugar the Horse, Anti-Racist Light Projections, & South Korea's Trucker Strike," Veronica Pelicaric's blog "From the Archives—Soul of Nonviolence Podcast: Questions of Conscience," and events Changemaker Youth Grants: Final Showcase & Closing Ceremony, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Artful Activism & Creative Tactics w/Backbone Campaign, DC Peace Team Online Trainings, Nonviolence Toward Earth, and Yoga & Nonviolence: Be the Change from the Inside Out. Download here.