June 6, 2020

"Fast and Focus with us and the Poor People's Campaign on Monday." Commit to the long-haul work of building anti-racist societies. Includes Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Black. Lives. Matter." John Dear's blog "Peace Podcast: Thomas Merton's Teachings on Nonviolence," and The Heart of Nonviolence: Healing Ourselves Healing Our Community, Action Organizing Call with Kazu Haga, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

June 13, 2020

"Welcome Rosie Davila to Pace e Bene this summer!" Launching Rosie's video series about nonviolence, interviewing nonviolent activists. Includes John Dear's blog "Keep the Good Book Closed, Trump Says. We Say, Open It and Resist!" Sandra Bass's blog "We Need to Move from Ritualized Response to Reparation," and The Heart of Nonviolence: Healing Ourselves Healing Our Community, Action Organizing Call with Kazu Haga, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

June 20, 2020

"Join TODAY the Mass Poor People's Assembly and Moral March on Washington." Includes Patty Hall's blog "Big Change in a Small Town," George Cassidy Payne's blog "Can We Talk About Self Care and Policing?" and Applying Meditation for Nonviolent Living, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

June 27, 2020

"Embracing the Nonviolent Shift—Join us online August 6-8, 2020." Includes Ken Butigan's blog "An Appeal to Pope Francis: The Path of Nonviolence Toward a Laudato Si' Future," Ryan Hall's blog "National Council of Elders Condemns Police Killing of George Floyd and Violence Against Protesters," and Applying Meditation for Nonviolent Living, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.