July 2, 2022

"With Vision & Creativity, Youth Changemakers Light Up the Movement." And new posters from Rosie's Nonviolence Means poster series. Includes Solidarity Call: Set Off Fireworks with Nonviolent History, Piero Falci's blog "Choosing to Believe in Lies," Rivera Sun's blog, "Anonymous Sounds Alarm in Russia, Strikes and More," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, Nonviolence Toward Earth, Yoga & Nonviolence: Be the Change from the Inside Out, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, and Nonviolent Schools RI's 2022 Virtual Global Summer Institute. Download here.

July 9, 2022

"With Courage & Companions On the Journey." Building a nonviolent world together. Includes Solidarity Call: Tell Bankers NO to Mega-Prisons in Alabama, Rivera Sun's blog, "Goddess Returned, #Landback Wins, Pipelines Blocked," Veronica Pelicaric's podcast, "Courage Is the Key," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, Nonviolence Toward Earth, Yoga & Nonviolence: Be the Change from the Inside Out, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Nonviolent Schools RI's 2022 Virtual Global Summer Institute, and Mindfulness Meditation and Mindful Living: An Introduction. Download here.

July 16, 2022

"Be A Catalyst for Campaign Nonviolence Action Days." Helping organizations work together for a bigger impact. Includes Solidarity Call: Join Us for Action Days Sept 21-Oct 2, Ruth Ann Angus' blog "Nonviolent Morro Bay Launches Podcast," Rivera Sun's blog, "International Day of Nonviolence Teach-Ins: October 2, 2022," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Nonviolent Schools RI's 2022 Virtual Global Summer Institute, and Mindfulness Meditation and Mindful Living: An Introduction. Download here.

July 23, 2022

"How Many More? Take Action to End Gun Violence." Join Sandy Hook Promise and Jared's Heart of Success in ending gun violence. Includes Solidarity Call: Preserve Highlander Center for Activists & Movements, Rivera Sun's blog, "Day of Action to End Gun Violence: Friday, September 30," Piero Falci's blog "Being Mindful of Our Choices," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering, Nonviolent Schools RI's 2022 Virtual Global Summer Institute, and Mindfulness Meditation and Mindful Living: An Introduction. Download here.

July 30, 2022

"Ride-Ins for Racial Justice." And Peace Out with Rosie Takes Flight, new CNV Affinity Group. Includes Solidarity Call: Tell Pres. Biden to Declare a Climate Emergency, Ken Butigan's blog "Improvising a New World," Martha Lucier's blog "Waking Up to the Call of the Drum," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, Nonviolent Schools RI's 2022 Virtual Global Summer Institute, Mindfulness Meditation and Mindful Living: An Introduction, and CNV Affinity Groups—Virtual Gathering. Download here.