July 4, 2020

"Following the Nonviolent Path on Independence Day." And John Dear's Peace Podcast: The Nonviolent Life of Franz Jagerstatter. Includes Sandra Bass' blog "An Open Letter to My Neighbor Who Accused Me of Stealing," Ruth Ann Angus' blog "Celebrate Creation and all Creatures: A Review of Praise Be Peace," and Applying Meditation for Nonviolent Living, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

July 11, 2020

"Join the 75th Anniversary Hiroshima Day One-Hour Online Commemoration—August 6, 2020." Includes Mel Duncan's blog "Civilian Responsibility to Intervene," George Martin's blog "Change the World," and the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, Applying Meditation for Nonviolent Living, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

July 18, 2020

"See the full schedule for the Online Campaign Nonviolence Conference in three weeks." Includes Rosie Davila's blog "Foresight and Courage with George Martin," Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: When We Organize, We Win," and the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, Applying Meditation for Nonviolent Living, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

July 25, 2020

"Two weeks until the Online Campaign Nonviolence Conference. Don't miss it!" Includes Veronica Pelicaric's blog "Healing Relationship," Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: Get the Message Out," and the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference Online, Applying Meditation for Nonviolent Living, Nonviolence In Action: Planning and Strategy, and CNV Action Week. Download here.