Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation 26th Annual Spring Assembly
Supporting Movements for a Just and Peaceful World
Keynote Speaker: Kathy Kelly
On Saturday, May 18th, 2024, Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation will hold its 26th annual Spring Assembly. This will be by Zoom and will be from 9am-12:45pm Pacific, with Zoom access open at 8:45am. This year's theme: Supporting Movements For a Just and Peaceful World. All interested people are welcome. Feel free to spread the word.
The planning group is thrilled to have as our Keynote speaker Kathy Kelly who will speak on: "Ring the Bells That Still Can Ring: Movements, Worldwide, to End the Scourge of War." She is board president of World Beyond War and a coordinator of the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. Since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, she has volunteered with an international network to assist young people forced to flee from that country. She has been incarcerated in federal prison for resisting militarism and war. As a war tax refuser, she has successfully avoided payment of federal income taxes for the past four decades. With Voices in the Wilderness companions, she broke economic sanctions against Iraq 27 times. She has lived alongside ordinary people during wars in Iraq, Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and Nicaragua. She believes women and children enduring such conflict have been her finest teachers.
There will be Discussion Groups, Q & A, Reports from Youth Activists, and music honoring the late activist Holly Gwinn Graham.
Suggested donation: $0 to $20.
Registration: https://wwfor2024sa.brownpapertickets.com/
See website: https://wwfor.org/spring-assembly-2024/ for additional information, including other ways to register, schedule events for the Assembly, and other information.