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Making Magic Happen Series

  • Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service (map)

Making Magic Happen Series

Four-part Series with Rivera Sun
Thursdays October 19, November 9, December 7, and January 11
4-6pm Pacific / 5-7pm Mountain / 6-8pm Central / 7-9pm Eastern
$85, scholarships available

With many trainings happening online, facilitating nonviolence (or anything) has gained new challenges. In this webinar series, trainer Rivera Sun will share how to make tech seamless and virtual trainings magical. This series will be interactive and participatory. It will be both philosophical and practical, offering outer skills like adaptations for Zoom and also look at the inner work of facilitation. Rivera Sun will offer best practices from training hundreds of people online throughout the pandemic and onward.

You can register for individual sessions, linked below, or sign-up for all 4 sessions at the bottom of this page—and get a 25% off discount!

These sessions are recommended for all Engaging Nonviolence facilitators, nonviolence trainers shifting to online webinars, educators on any subject, and others who hope to gain more skills at facilitating online.

Pace e Bene trainers have facilitated dozens of courses and trained thousands of people online. Our course participants appreciate our personable, heart-centered approach. We emphasize participatory learning and use tech to tap into group knowledge and wisdom. From meditations to games to immersive exercises to role plays, we have skills to share with you about how to lead trainings with joy, laughter, soulfulness, humanness and professionality. Our approach to technology is to keep it simple and seamless, prioritizing human connection and deep learning. On top of this, we are fearless and playful in trying new things with virtual tech, leading to some of the most enjoyable and meaningful courses in nonviolence available online.

Course Fee: $85. Scholarships are available for anyone who cannot afford to attend. Email Erin at to request a scholarship. If you can pay the full fee, consider adding a higher amount for the scholarship fund to increase accessibility for others to participate. 

Signing up after the series has started? You can still sign up for the full series and we will send you a recording of the sessions you missed.