Legacy Library: Discovering the Soul of Nonviolence

In April of last year, Veronica Pelicaric began the Soul of Nonviolence Podcast, a weekly reflection on selections from the quotes in This Nonviolent Life. These curated quotes have arrived in inboxes every day for years, introducing thousands of readers to new and known writers, thinkers, and changemakers while also highlighting the many different aspects of nonviolence. The podcast helped Veronica to elevate the impact of these short passages, inviting listeners to set aside a little time each week for feeling, centering, and integrating aspects of nonviolence into their daily lives. She recorded 45 episodes featuring insights from Maya Angelou and Thich Nhat Hanh, Martin Luther King Jr. and Medea Benjamin, and many more.

Though we were looking forward to many more episodes and insights to come, Veronica passed away last month. One of the most beautiful parts of her legacy is how she served as a guide to many who desired to go deeper: to find deeper truths, deeper connections, and a deeper sense of meaning in this life. Her curiosity and her passion for meditation, understanding, and exploration are on full display in the library of Soul of Nonviolence podcasts. She led by brave example—never afraid to go through the hard parts of inner work—and did her best to empower us to get a little messy, a little scared, and a little vulnerable with the faith that we’ll arrive stronger at the intended destination: love.

Whether you’ve been listening since the beginning or are only just discovering it, these podcast episodes are here to support you along your nonviolent path. We hope you enjoy spending some time with Veronica, too.

Erin Bechtol