Actions Making an Impact in Norman, Chiclayo, and Camp Hill!

Action Week wraps up today, but we are still uplifting and celebrating the work of organizers all over the world! Please remember to send us your report here so we can amplify your efforts, and check out our social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) to see more action from the streets as we share what we find.

Lans Rothfusz of Norman, OK writes, “We held a 30-minute program of peace-related readings from various faiths and philosphies, listened to music from Native American instruments, and lit candles to celebrate peace. It brought greater awareness to the work of the Norman Peace Team. Several new members have joined the team.”

Ada Chicoma Sotomayor from Chiclayo, Peru reports, “Participaron Gerencia de Programas Sociales del Gobierno Regional de Lambayeque área de Cultura de Paz, autoridades, población, Consejo Regional de la Paz COREPAZ , Consejo Local de la Paz de Cayalti, sector salud de Cañaris en zona altoandina, hubo mensajes en Quechua de nuestros pueblos originarios, mujeres de zona rural y trabajadoras independientes se sumaron en plenas actividades de trabajo en el mercado. Como una jornada de sensibilización, internalización y toma de conciencia de fomentar, forjar y multiplicar un mundo libre de violencia de contaminación, discriminación, racismo y el derecho de una coexistencia respetada de cada ser viviente de este planeta y dirigirnos a hacer de este mundo algo mejor, después de las lecciones aprendidas de esta pandemia.”

Judy Collins of Camp Hill, AL shares, “Flyers were distributed along with announcements inviting other churches, etc. with bells to ring them for 5 minutes, with individuals being invited to begin with prayer/meditation then to take some action for peace (e.g. sign the nonviolent peace pledge, telling others about it, etc.). I think it could be a splendid action to happen worldwide. My meditation included awareness of participating with people globally committing to build that nonviolent culture. A focus encouraged was 1st: PAUSE. In our hurried crazy lives, stopping to be thankful, aware of endangered Earth, joining with others hopefully will instill an ongoing practice not just for one 5 min. period the entire year but ideally a practice several times a day throughout the year, helping create the reality in people's lives that "There is no way to peace; peace is the way." (thanks A.J. Muste)” See more in their press release here.