Peace Podcast: Psalms of Peace

Peace activist John Dear speaks on his newest book Praise Be Peace: Psalms of Peace and Nonviolence in a Time of War and Climate Change. Dear recites a variety of Psalms and relates how each pertains to our search for peace in a world possessed by violence and war. In his book John relates many personal stories of locations, events, and people that influenced him to deal with our current problems, such as climate change, nuclear weapons build-up, and economic injustice. John reminds us to step into peace, practice meditation, and be nonviolent in all things.

John Dear discusses how many psalms feature violence, and suggests instead that we choose to read only the writings that help us to become nonviolent people. He also discusses his newest book Praise Be Peace: Psalms of Peace and Nonviolence in a Time of War and Climate Change, and how these psalms can help us get to know a God of peace. John reminds us to step into peace, practice meditation, and be nonviolent in all things.

This podcast reminds us that nonviolence is a choice: that we get to choose what to read, what to promote, and how to behave in a manner that furthers our ideals and goals of nonviolence, or supports the culture of violence and war that has been dominant for so long.

The Peace Podcast is available on our website here. There you can also find the previous episodes where John discusses Martin Luther King, Gandhi, the beatitudes, and nonviolence as a part of Advent. The podcast is also available on iTunes where you can subscribe and listen as soon as it’s released. If you enjoy this new Peace Podcast, please share it with others to continue to build a mainstream culture of nonviolence.

Rev. John Dear