Eureka and Tiffin Reach Out to Their Communities

Linda O'Hara-Scott shares, “At the Gazebo in Eureka, CA we had a Yurok elder speak, poetry readings by poets reading original works for nonviolence, music by several musicians and singers; a speaker on Treaties; and a candlelight vigil honoring all those who have died due to climate change, poverty, wars, nuclear bombs as well as nuclear energy, and racism.”

Paulette Schroeder of Tiffin, OH writes: “The Tiffin Heritage Parade hosted about 2500 people trying to create a new heritage for Tiffin. The whole of Tiffin was exposed to the story of Sadako, and about 10-12 audiences (including our public library) helped make cranes to reach 1000 cranes and fulfill the tradition of Japan saying that if anyone or any organization makes 1000 peace cranes, they'll get the wish they want. This was the largest project by Nonviolent Tiffin. In many cases the maker of the crane wrote a message of peace, passed it on and by Sept. 30 the crane will be in the peace pole "box" in front of the Justice Center downtown where it has been displayed and invites people to make a crane. The proclamation of September as Peace Month by our mayor is also inside the window of the box. Robert and Patty Russo were here signing books about Dorothy Day--a 10 year research book by Robert since Dorothy is up for canonization. Dorothy fit in well with our objective of promoting pacifism especially toward war. Robert did a one hour presentation with Q&A included.'“