Two New Nonviolence and Fantasy Books from Rivera Sun

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Two New Releases From Peace and Nonviolence Writer Rivera Sun: Desert Song & The Adventures of Alaren

Author/Activist and Pace e Bene Nonviolence Trainer Rivera Sun has two new releases that will bring a smile to your face, give you shivers and chills, and make your heart leap in your chest. Part of the groundbreaking Ari Ara Series that blends nonviolence and fantasy, Desert Song and the companion book of peace-waging folktales, The Adventures of Alaren, are a wonderful and creative way to support the growing culture of nonviolence. 

You can get Desert Song, The Adventures of Alaren, and the rest of the Ari Ara Series through Rivera Sun's Community Publishing Campaign!

About Desert Song

A girl in exile, a trickster horse, and the women rising up!

The next book in the peace-waging adventures that began with The Way Between, is a story you don't want to miss! Exiled to the desert, young Ari Ara is caught between the warriors trying to grab power . . . and the women rising up to stop them! Ari Ara has to find her place - and her voice - in this strange culture . . . but time is running out. One by one, the women's voices are being silenced, cut from the Desert Song. Can Ari Ara and her friends restore the balance before violence breaks out? Readers of all ages will love this adventurous tale of strong women and mighty girls! 

Desert Song is part of a remarkable, groundbreaking series that blends fantasy with skills of peace and nonviolence. The books can be read alone or in order. The Whole Series can also be found on Rivera Sun's publishing campaign for the new books. The adventure begins when 11-year-old orphan Ari Ara is chosen to be an apprentice in the mysterious artform called The Way Between. In the second story, The Lost Heir, Ari Ara uses nonviolent action to rally street urchins and water workers to challenge and transform the unjust labor practices in the river island city. Desert Song is the third book in the series. The Adventures of Alaren is the companion book of folktales from Ari Ara's world.

About The Adventures of Alaren

"The folktales of Ari Ara's world prove that waging peace is more exciting than waging war!"

These stories will make your heart sing! In a series of clever and creative escapades, the legendary folkhero Alaren rallies thousands of people to take bold and courageous action for peace. Weaving new epic tales from real-life inspirations, author Rivera Sun brings a new kind of hero to life. Get ready to be inspired . . . and to share the joy with others! The Adventures of Alaren offers perfect stories to teach peace at home, conflict resolution in the classroom, and nonviolence in faith and peace centers.  Each fictional folktale includes a footnote on the real-life inspiration and discussion questions for classrooms and small groups. For readers of all ages, The Adventures of Alaren warms hearts, opens minds, and gives us ideas for waging peace!

Find The Adventures of Alaren and the Ari Ara Series here.

"Kids, parents, and teachers will love the adventures and escapades of this creative and clever peacebuilder! Add The Adventures of Alaren to your library today!" 


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Praise for the Ari Ara Series:

Rivera Sun's creativity, wisdom, insight and joyful nonviolent activism for all ages fills me with awe and hope. If we were all to read her books the way we have read Harry Potter's, we would be well on our way to sending a different message to our children. - Veronica Pelicaric, Pace e Bene/Campaign Nonviolence

The Way Between is a compelling and wise articulation of the human sojourn . . . a dispatch from a mythic dimension of archaic longing and potential that calls us to our truest selves. ~ Ken Butigan, Pace e Bene/Campaign Nonviolence

This novel should be read aloud to everyone, by everyone, from childhood onward… Rivera Sun writes in a style as magical as Tolkien and as authentic as Twain. ~ Tom Hastings, Director of PeaceVoice, Professor of Conflict Studies at Portland State University

A beautiful story that expands the imagination into the possibilities of peace and active nonviolence . . . this book will prepare our children and ourselves for the real-life world we so desperately need. ~ David Hartsough, Founder Nonviolent Peaceforce, author of Waging Peace

In this book Rivera Sun pulls off an impressive feat, creating an original exciting story that deftly teaches ways to create a world that works for all.  Thank you, Rivera Sun, for another outstanding contribution to the field of nonviolence through this series! - Kit Miller, Executive Director, M.K. Gandhi Center for Nonviolence

Rivera Sun is an amazing author. The way she threads the principles of nonviolence into the fabric of her novels is a beautiful experience. It is an education that everyone in the world needs - now more than ever. - Heart Phoenix, River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding

"During times when so many of us, especially the young, are still figuring out how to make this planet more just and livable, this book couldn’t have come at a better time." - Patrick Hiller, War Prevention Initiative

The Way Between is a story that reached deep inside and literally grabbed my heart because it speaks to our common humanity and validates the belief that there is a another way than the course we are on. Ari Ara had the courage to insist upon making something that everybody wanted a reality when they thought it couldn't be done. And that's what we need now in these times of crisis, to know that if this and that aren't working, it is within our power to choose another way. ~ Margaret Flowers, M.D., Co-Founder/Editor Popular Resistance

Generations of young adults will be helped to find this way in the adventures of Ari Ara; and we will all be so greatly in debt to Rivera. ~ Michael Nagler, author of Search for a Nonviolent Future; founder of Metta Center for Nonviolence

A thought-provoking book with the pluckiest red-haired heroine this side of Little Orphan Annie. The Way Between turns the fantasy genre on its ear by not giving us what we've come to expect (set piece battles, ogres and dragons) but what we need to learn. ~ Burt Kempner, Children's Book Author