April 6, 2024

"Nonviolent Action to Heal the Earth." Remembering Bishop Tom Gumbleton, Peace and Planet Mobilization, and Season for Nonviolence. Includes Solidarity Call: Ask Alisha About Your Action, Rivera Sun's blog, "Senegal Saves Democracy, Worker Strikes+," Ken Butigan's blog "Pledging Our Lives," and events Pilgrimage for Peace, Peaceful Creativity: Unified Playfulness for Inner Transformation, River Dragon Launch Party and Author Q&A, and People Power & Peace. Download here.

April 13, 2024

"Connecting Peace and Planet." Hiring Youth Hosts for Nonviolence Now Podcast, Ken Butigan speaks at USF's Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice. Includes Solidarity Call: Nonviolence International and the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, Ken Butigan's blog, "No Guilty Bystander," Brad Wolf's blog, "Tax Day and War Resistance, Berrigan Style," and events Pilgrimage for Peace, Peaceful Creativity: Unified Playfulness for Inner Transformation, River Dragon Launch Party and Author Q&A, and People Power & Peace. Download here.

April 20, 2024

"Peace & Planet: Everyone Can Do Something." Three Options for getting involved, Hiring Youth Hosts for Nonviolence Now Podcast, Earth Day posters. Includes Solidarity Call: National Youth Violence Prevention Week (April 22-26), Ruth Ann Angus' blog "If It Is Good Enough for Dorothy Day, It Is Good Enough for Me," Rivera Sun's blog "Scientists Rebellion, 50k Brazilians Occupy Vacant Houses & Africa-Wide PRIDE," and events Peaceful Creativity: Unified Playfulness for Inner Transformation, River Dragon Launch Party and Author Q&A, and People Power & Peace. Download here.

April 27, 2024

"Two Great Changemakers." The nonviolent lives of Diane Nash and George Lakey, Freedom Flotilla Coalition Ready, Mundus Imaginalis: Corvallis Students Imagine New Worlds, planning for a nonviolent future. Includes Solidarity Call: Support Students' Rights, Rivera Sun's blog "Nonviolence News: A15Action, Octopussy Riot & Smuggled Tibetan Resistance Footage," Piero Falci's blog "Neither Victims Nor Executioners," and events DC Peace Team Online Trainings, and People Power & Peace. Download here.