April 4, 2020

"Organizers Planning for CNV Action Week during Pandemic. 500+ Now Planned!" Adapting to online organizing. Includes Henry Cervantes' blog "What I've Learned Teaching Nonviolence in Jail," Pierre Thompson's blog "We Must Resist the 'War' on Coronavirus," and Spiritual Direction Sessions with Fr. John Dear, John Dear on John Fugelsang's Sirius XM Show, Good Friday Service Online: Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab with Ken Butigan, and the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference. Download here.

April 11, 2020

"O God, you heal us while wounding us." Envisioning a nonviolent world during a pandemic Easter. Includes Ken Butigan's blog "The Choice for Global Nonviolence is Sharper than Ever," Kathy Kelly's blog "He's Got Eight Numbers Just Like Everybody Else," and Spiritual Direction Sessions with Fr. John Dear, Nonviolence Online Community Course, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

April 18, 2020

"Celebrate Earth Day Live this April 22!" Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with The People's Climate Movement. Includes Arundhati Roy's blog "Kairos Time of Coronavirus," Ken Butigan's blog "For the Healing of the Nations: Nuclear Resistance and COVID-19," and Spiritual Direction Sessions with Fr. John Dear, A Community Poetry Reading, Nonviolence Online Community Course, Erica Chenoweth: Innovations in Nonviolent Action Under Crisis, Nonviolence in Action: Planning & Strategy Online Course, the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference, and CNV Action Week. Download here.

April 25, 2020

"Campaign Nonviolence National Conference—NOW ONLINE!" Responding to the coronavirus pandemic, Pace e Bene moves the Campaign Nonviolence National Conference and the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki online. Download here.