Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service

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Nonviolence Is the Presence of Courage, Compassion, Healing, & Change

As the Campaign Nonviolence Action Days continue, we’re seeing how nonviolence is so much more than just the absence of violence. It is the PRESENCE of solutions, tools, skills, practices, and amazing people willing to use them. 

M.K. Gandhi understood this. Contrary to common belief, he didn’t ‘invent’ nonviolence. (Gandhi said it was “as old as the hills”.) He did, however, coin the term, borrowing from the Sanskrit ahimsa (non-harming) to offer the English word: nonviolence. Like ahimsa, nonviolence isn’t just the cessation of harm … it is the presence of everything healing, empowering, uplifting, transformative, courageous, compassionate, generous, affirming, nurturing, liberating and so forth.  

We see these qualities embodied in the many actions happening between September 21 and October 2.

Nonviolence is the presence of . . . kindness, caring and solidarity in the acts of mutual aid and community care making produce boxes for neighbors, doing home repair for community members with disabilities, offering wrap-around services with unhoused residents, knitting for the children’s hospital, volunteering with the mobile kitchen, or in sharing 4,000 meals in the community. Nonviolence tells people we won’t abandon them and that we will resist the violent harm of poverty and all that contributes to it. 

Nonviolence is the presence of . . . courage, confrontation, protest that we see in actions like the vigils opposing the Line 3 Oil Pipeline and war, and the rally in support of immigrants happening in Minneapolis, MN. We also see these qualities in Women Against Military Madness’ No School In Gaza actions aimed at helping students take action for peace. They’re in the divestment campaigns on nuclear weapons and fossil fuels, the nationwide effort to map the plastic pollution of artificial turf, and the multi-city banner actions on highway overpasses calling for dam removals. Nonviolence challenges and transforms the injustices, destruction, and harm in our world.

Nonviolence is the presence of . . . nurturing, mentoring and empowerment that we see at the Creation Care Conference and Art of Nature Exhibit by Children, Arkansas Peace Week in Schools with over 15,000 students participating, the 13th Annual Youth and Peace Conference in Tucson, AZ; the Peace Day Youth Assembly in Denmark, and the 6th Annual L.O.V.E. Is The Answer Day in 200 schools in Maryland and beyond. Nonviolence supports the innate power and compassion that resides in people of all ages.

Nonviolence is the presence of . . . alternatives, solutions, and new practices like the many live streams, talks and panels happening this week, or the inauguration of the Catholic Institute for Nonviolence in Rome, Italy. It’s in community gardens building connections, discussions on how to make peace in a society at war, a rally and march for the Recovery Community of Little Rock, the community chat in Joliet on how to build a safer community, teach-ins on climate resilient communities, and trainings with the Alternatives To Violence Project. Nonviolence builds a solution even as it confronts the problem.

Nonviolence is the presence of . . . solidarity and collaboration exemplified by the hundreds of organizations who make Campaign Nonviolence Action Days possible, including Sandy Hook Promise, Nonviolent Peaceforce, Cure Violence, World BEYOND War, Codepink, ICAN, DC Peace Team, Backbone Campaign, Global Silent Minute, World Clean-up Day, Pathways to Peace, Unity Earth, Jared’s Heart of Success, Nonviolent Cities Project, Catholic Nonviolence Days of Action, We the World, Up2Peace, Arms, Militarism, and Climate Justice Working Group, L.O.V.E. Is the Answer; PeaceVoice, Warheads To Windmills, Fast For Peace, World Wellness Weekend, local chapters of Pax Christi; longstanding Peace Day efforts like Peace Day Philly, Peace Week Delaware, and Arkansas Peace Week; and many more. (See full list here.

Nonviolence is the presence of YOU, showing up in this long-term movement. It’s your humanity, passion, vision, courage, determination, love, and creativity at work in immeasurable ways in communities large and small. 

Thank you for being nonviolence - the presence of everything that liberates, heals, and transforms.