Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service

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Join Us in Divesting from Violence for a More Peaceful Future

We urge you to join us in taking action against violence by divesting from the industries that support it. Unite with us this year during Campaign Nonviolence Action Days, September 21st through October 2nd, on the call to Divest From War & Fossil Fuels—Move the Money. This initiative demonstrates how strategically reallocating funds can create a more peaceful world. By divesting from industries that perpetuate violence—such as guns, weapons, nuclear technology, prisons, and fossil fuels—and investing in nonviolent solutions—such as education, healthcare, renewable energy, and social justice—we can build a more balanced future.

As part of this call, we’ve created a few useful steps to help you take action:

Step 1: Do Your Research  

Start by investigating where your investments lie. Use resources such as the Weapons Free Funds database, Global Fossil Fuel Divestment database, Fossil Free Funds, and more.

Step 2: Make a Plan

Equip yourself with the necessary resources for effective divestment campaigns. Explore guides from ICAN, World BEYOND War, and others.

Step 3: Take Action 

Engage in various actions to support this call, including but not limited to:

  • Hold a rally outside a bank, university, investment group, or city hall. 

  • Deliver a letter or petition calling for divestment from violence.

  • Hold a call-in session with friends to ask banks to divest. Copy or adapt ICAN’s Sample Letter To Banks for Nuclear Divestment for emails or letters. *Note: You can adapt these sample scripts to urge decision-makers to divest from weapons, nukes, guns, fossil fuels, prison and detention centers, etc. all at once. 

  • Use and adapt ICAN’s call script to ask for nuclear divestment.

Feel free to also check out our toolkit, which is packed with additional resources and action ideas. Remember—your unique ideas for action are welcome!  Whether you engage in large-scale or small-scale efforts, your contribution makes a difference. To get involved, please fill out this short form. Additionally, to prepare, consider watching our Divest From Violence, Reinvest In a Just World training hosted by ICAN, DivestEd, CODEPINK, and World BEYOND War.

Lastly, explore all of our 2024 calls to action, see what others are planning, and share this message with your network. 

We look forward to your participation in this global movement!

Check out our new posters! Designed to be “grab 'n go,” they're versatile and can go with you to any number of protests or events. Created by Rosie Davila.