Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service

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Tips for taking action on September 21, The International Day of Peace

On the International Day of Peace, take action to promote peace as part of Campaign Nonviolence’s annual Days of Action. We encourage everyone to organize an event.

Options For What To Do:

Hold a candlelight vigil

Organize a peace demonstration at a busy intersection

Gather for peace in a local park 

Lead a peace walk for inner and global peace

Plant or visit a peace pole

Hold a Peace Day teach-in at a local school. 

Protest at a local office or factory of the military-industrial complex 

Reach out to:

Youth groups, schools and universities, faith groups and interfaith alliances, refugees from conflict zones, local chapters of peace groups like CODEPINK or World BEYOND War


Download, print, and paste these posters onto signs: Nonviolence Means Wage Peace and Nonviolence Means No Guns and Nonviolence Means Build Windmills Not Weapons


Use the Global Peace Index to see the most peaceful/least peaceful places. For demonstrations, make a banner with a world map and put red dots on current war zones. 

Invite people to join Divest From Violence actions on Sept 26th to ask banks, cities, universities, and investors to take money out of weapons and fossil fuels. 

Wear Blue Scarves for Peace, a symbol of solidarity requested by the Afghan Peace Volunteers. 

Doves, olive branches, and peace signs are all symbols of peace. Use posters and banners, or make a street mural or sidewalk chalk drawing, to make the message visible.

Take photos, record participant stories and comments to share in press releases and social posts

Ask a community member to write an op-ed for local news outlets about the event.

Use hashtags to connect on social media. #IntlDayofPeace #PeaceDay #peace #peacenow

 Use hashtag #CNV2022 so we can find and uplift your posts.

Thank you.