Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service

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Online Actions Reach People from Coast to Coast

Reports are still coming in from the Campaign Nonviolence Action Week! From in person events in solidarity with brothers and sisters on the other side of the world to online events about peace and nonviolence, we are still seeing the fruits of everyone’s hard work this year. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post for links to Nonviolence News’ daily teach-in videos from last week—short, sweet, and ready to share!

Mohammed Haque of Toronto, ON shares: “We were speaking, distributing leaflets, and calling for solidarity and support for the vulnerable and victims of oppression people in Bangladesh. We stood at Nathan Philip square, Toronto City Hall (12:00 PM) and at the Ontario Provincial Legislative Assembly (1:30PM), Canada. We have distributed leaflets to local people and sent letters to the Hon. City Councilor and Hon. Members of the legislative assembly also other civil rights organization briefed about the present human rights violation and abuse of power has been doing by the present fascist regime. We want to avoid Bangladesh from any kinds of violence, conflict and confrontation between the ruling party Government and other civil and political organizations. We want to create international community awareness to support and stand for Bangladeshi people’s democracy, human rights, social justice and free fair, neutral credible election. Our main goal is to bring sustainable peace and security in Bangladesh. We want to send a message of solidarity and harmony to the world to protect humanity, avoid any kinds of crisis and conflict.”

John McAuliff of Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee in Washington, DC writes: “A panel of speakers offered an overview on the expansion of the US military draft registration to young women ages 18-25. Kara Dixon Vuic (Prof. of War, Conflict, and Society, Texas Christian Univ.) gave a historic overview of the origins of the draft and views on the draft system. Robert Levering (Vietnam Resister, writer, film producer) debunked the claim that the draft mobilizes the peace movement. Edward Hasbrouck (post Vietnam Resister, anti-draft organizer) spoke about his experience being imprisoned for refusing to register, how past youth movements have made the draft untenable and unenforceable, and how we can all be allies to young people today as they continue to resist. Rivera Sun (CODEPINK, author, activist) spoke to the anti-war feminist perspective and why ending draft registration for all genders is the way forward.
Lawrence Wilkerson (Lt. Col. (ret), All-Volunteer Force Forum) argued that a Climate Corp may be needed and that mandatory national service may have to be considered. The forum then opened to Q & A and participant comments.

Forty-one people attended and a poll tracked their shifting views on the subject of the expansion of the military draft, showing that the webinar prompted people to shift their views toward the abolition of the Selective Service. Affecting millions of young women, this is one of the largest, underreported issues impacting them currently, representing a significant relational shift between them and militarism and the war machine. As Congress pass legislation for the expansion, this webinar, and others like it, are crucially important for informing the public and young people of the coming changes.

The expansion of the military draft registration system to young women is a significant expansion of militarism in the United States. Resisting it, and helping young people learn how they can refuse to comply, is a critical part of building a culture of peace, particularly among young people. The effort to abolish the Selective Service System is part of resisting militarism.”

Rivera Sun of Nonviolence News in Taos, NM tells us: “Nonviolence News is a weekly newsletter that shares 30-50 stories of nonviolence in action each week. During Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, Sept 18-26th, Editor Rivera Sun offered live, daily, virtual teach-ins on Facebook. Each day, she would speak about Campaign Nonviolence's mission to build a culture of peace and active nonviolence, free from war, poverty, racism, and environmental destruction. She would share highlights of actions and events happening on that day and show the photos from recent action reports. She would then share a few stories from Nonviolence News, focusing on successful campaigns, creative actions, or lessons we can learn from how people are using nonviolence around the world.

People watched the livestream and commented in the chat. More viewers tuned in after the videos were posted, sharing them out through their networks. It was a great way to interrupt the usual newsfeed of cat pics and social media posts with an uplifting and informative dose of nonviolence.

Nonviolence News' virtual teach-ins help people see that nonviolence is active, powerful, effective, and versatile. The stories helped to open people's eyes to what "nonviolence" means, and how it is being used. By sharing stories, we encourage people to engage nonviolence in their own lives and communities.”

Check out these additional links from Nonviolence News:

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Day 1: Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, Nonviolence Means posters, and Nonviolence News 101.

Day 2: Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, Nonviolence Now, bus ads and billboards, and various stories from last week.

Day 3: Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, and What We Can Learn From Nonviolence News Stories:

Day 4: Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, International Day of Peace, and Peace Actions:

Day 5: Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, Creative Actions:

Day 6: Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, How We Win

Day 7: Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, Think Outside the Protest Box

Day 8: Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, Sneak Peek at this week’s Nonviolence News

Day 9: Campaign Nonviolence Action Week, The Ongoing Work To Build a Culture of Nonviolence