Soul of Nonviolence - An Invitation

Every day nonviolence invites us to move . . .
From mechanistic to organic
From dualistic to holistic
From event to process
From react to reframe
From extremes to complexity
From fragmented to integrated
From unhealthy to sustainable
From violence to wholeness
— Pace e Bene

Start off the year by looking ahead to your nonviolent path with the latest Soul of Nonviolence Podcast. Using a quote from Pace e Bene, Veronica explores where we as a society typically start, and how we can get where we want to go. She encourages us to observe the way life moves and learn from it, with patience and presence instead of attempting to force things to be linear.

Some highlights of this process include ways to grow past othering by practicing deep empathy, and creating space to include people with different ways of thinking. Veronica explains how seeing nuances, leaning into the confusion and discomfort, can help us collectively move away from polarizing and take on bigger questions: What is best for the whole? How can we challenge our habits to discover what’s healthy for the planet, and for each other?

Veronica Pelicaric