Soul of Nonviolence - Inner Fire

When you know who you are; when your mission is clear, and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.
— Chief Seattle, Duwamish

In this week’s quote from Chief Seattle, we build on the soul force—satyagraha—of last week and consider how finding soul force can show you who you are and give purpose to your life.

Veronica discusses how once a person does the work to find out who they truly are, they no longer have hunt for scraps of feeling important. She goes on to say that this deep knowing, this inner fire makes a person invincible to the common pitfalls of daily life. Once living with soul force, obstacles, struggles, and pain cannot bring you off your path. Instead, we can share in life, rejoice, and live fully.

For this week’s homework, Veronica encourages us all to bring our awareness to the present and feel for what it means to be fully alive. In getting to know the embodied feeling of aliveness, we can tend to our own inner fire and keep it burning bright.

Veronica Pelicaric