Join Campaign Nonviolence

For three decades, Pace e Bene has been leading nonviolence trainings, publishing books on nonviolence, and taking action for nonviolent change. In the spirit of St. Francis, Gandhi, Dorothy Day and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we have persistently invited people everywhere to walk the path of nonviolence.

Now Campaign Nonviolence is taking this work further. A project of Pace e Bene, Campaign Nonviolence is connecting the dots by working to end war, poverty, racism and environmental destruction —and building a nonviolent culture. Join Campaign Nonviolence as we take a stand against violence and injustice and pursue Dr. King’s vision of a new way forward toward a culture of active nonviolence.

Through Campaign Nonviolence, we organize The Nonviolent Cities ProjectThe Nonviolence Training Hub, and the annual Campaign Nonviolence Days of Action, where every September 21 (International Day of Peace) through October 2 (International Day of Nonviolence) we mobilize across the country and around the world for a culture of peace, economic equality, racial justice and environmental healing. This fall’s CNV Action Days have over 4600 marches, rallies and other public witnesses mobilize for nonviolent change.

Help build Campaign Nonviolence by studying nonviolence, including Pace e Bene’s books; inviting Pace e Bene speakers to your community; taking trainings and organizing events; supporting this work financially; and taking nonviolent action for a new culture of nonviolence. Join Campaign Nonviolence today!



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